Our Mission

At any given moment, countless people are experiencing all-consuming and debilitating desperation, to the extent that they have lost the ability to cope with day-to-day living. These overwhelming feelings represent nothing less than a crisis – one in which people struggle to find any hope or relief to simply help them get through the day. When able to recognize the severity of their condition and driven by the urgent need to find a reason to “carry on,” these people willingly reach out to others for help.

That’s where The Samaritans on Cape Cod and the Islands comes in. The mission of The Samaritans is suicide prevention. A nonprofit organization with decades in volunteer public service and proven expertise in the field, The Samaritans provides support to people who are either contemplating suicide or who have been personally affected by suicide. Our focus is not solely on those people who are at imminent risk for suicide. Our goal is to provide pathways to healing for our whole community. We do this by providing caring, sincere, and attentive listeners who rekindle people’s lost sense of hope, de-escalate situations from a crisis level, and provide the connections that make day-to-day living manageable through compassionate interaction in a safe, comfortable, and anonymous environment.

Confidentiality Policy

All information relating to a person who reaches out for help is confidential to Samaritans unless:

  • We have informed consent from the person to pass on information;
  • We call emergency services because a person appears to be at imminent risk of death;
  • We receive a court order requiring us to divulge information;
  • We are told information about acts of terrorism or bomb warnings;
  • A person attacks or threatens volunteers or others; or
  • A person deliberately prevents the service from being delivered to others.

“The Cape Cod Samaritans are an expression of the extraordinary heart of that community. I have benefited from calling them. I can only imagine the work that goes into it.”

— Crisis Line Caller

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